If you intend to walk another of the wonderful Franciscan ways, here are links to request the specific credentials:
“Di qui passò Francesco (Francis walked here)”,
“Cammino dei Protomartiri Francescani (Way of the Franciscan Protomartyrs)”,
“Il Cammino di Assisi (the Way of Assisi)”,
“Cammino Francescano della Marca (Franciscan Way of the Marche)”.
If in doubt, write us at info@viadifrancesco.it
Help us to maintain this service
The Credential delivery service is carried out at the Credentials Office by the by volunteers of the PiccolAccoglienza at the Diocese of Gubbio.
Make a donation of any amount!
Help us cover the delivery costs and bear the costs of the service.
Your support is priceless!
©2019 Diocesi di Gubbio - Progetto PiccolAccoglienza Gubbio P.iva 95001000546
Ufficio della Credenziale - Infoline 366 1118386 - Email credenzialedelpellegrino@gmail.com
Ufficio della Credenziale - Infoline 366 1118386 - Email credenzialedelpellegrino@gmail.com